verve [vurv]

noun. enthusiasm or vigor; spirit; vivaciousness; liveliness; animation



Verve Pilates + Fitness is a unique studio experience. We specialize in catering to your individual fitness needs and goals while keeping workouts fresh, fun and creative in our supportive environment.

Our studio offers a myriad of intimate Yoga and Pilates group classes, individual private sessions and duet private sessions. All of our sessions focus on full body integration and strength, balance and coordination, core strength and stability, flexibility and freedom of movement. You will learn to be your own life-long body movement coach for good posture, improved performance and pain-free living.

The cutting-edge fitness specialties at Verve are what differentiate us from others. Our clients look to us to help improve athletic and sports performance, for equestrian core fitness and high and low-impact interval training. They look to us for relief from autoimmune conditions and chronic pain, for pre- and post-natal exercise and special needs adaptive programs. 

At Verve, we are also known for our high energy, cardio fat-blasting sculpting classes utilizing weights, props, and your own body weight resistance. Our popular health and wellness workshops are always inspiring and feature special guest instructors.



Posturally Restorative Pilates Class with Mary Gorman at VERVE!

Fridays 9:30 - 10:30am ~ For class details and rates, please click here: Posturally Restorative Pilates Class

We love to host workshops and activities promoting mind and body well being! Please reach out if you would like to chat about scheduling an event at Verve.



Be sure to check our Class Schedule for the most up-to-date classes.




Choose from a wide range of classes to fit your fitness needs!



Learn more about the instructors here at Verve!



View our rates for single classes, group classes, private sessions, and more!

What we’re up to…


New Here?

We would love to share our passion for fitness and well being with you with a FREE 30-minute consultation. During this session, our instructors will work with you to develop a plan for your personal fitness growth and balanced well-being.